We are a Canadian registered corporation, operating as a consulting firm for delivering a stable supply of electricity and innovative services through strategic partnership globally. Our Understanding is that, Electricity is the essential energy to support economic and cultural activities. We are positioning our firm to play an important role in the society by preparing business plans and sourcing for financing to be part of generating and supplying power to developing countries of the world. We intend to also positively utilize accumulated technology and experience in fostering environmental improvements.
Our vision and set-up is to become a major Power Generation Company (PGC) that generates electricity intended to be sold at wholesale. Upon completion of study and securing of projects’ funds, these types of generations shall include but not limited to Geothermal, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Renewable energy and Other Sources.
We hope to support research and development (R&D) program aimed at providing guaranteed safety as this will increase efficiency while enhancing the services essential to prosperity, as the liberalization of electricity markets progresses. 

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